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BangShift Project Files: The Project Tetanus 1966 Plymouth Fury Gets New (Non-Rusted) Sheetmetal!

BangShift Project Files: The Project Tetanus 1966 Plymouth Fury Gets New (Non-Rusted) Sheetmetal!

Joe Haber’s 1966 Plymouth Fury, a project car that has, for better or worse, become a part of the family, has proven to be at times a royal bitch-kitty, has been undergoing major sheetmetal surgery. That alone is impressive, because a few short years ago, the Fury was on the chopping block, Haber filled to the brim with hatred for tinworm…which the Plymouth had in spades. You see, instead of being like every other car in Arizona, the Plymouth was a transplant, having lived in many different locations across the country that liberally dump salt at the first report of a snowflake. So when he bought what was supposed to be a clean, well kept dream car and found that the rear quarters were a mixture of Bondo, window screening and complete bullshit from the previous owner, to say that he was disappointed was a radical understatement. Luckily, the Forum folks here are enablers of the highest order and over time, Joe has dived into the world of patching missing metal.

Compared to the great, gaping hole that was there, the Plymouth looks much better. There’s still liberal amounts of Bondo used, but it’s not the only substance present and a good chunk of the body filler was turned to dust and left on the garage floor. According to Haber, “Not gonna lie, I am pretty stoked at how this part turned out.” It’s a good thing, too…there’s still the passenger side to take care of!

Follow along with the build here: Project Tetanus Fury

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6 thoughts on “BangShift Project Files: The Project Tetanus 1966 Plymouth Fury Gets New (Non-Rusted) Sheetmetal!

  1. Jay Bree

    Can you possibly write an article without swearing? It cheapens what you’re trying to do. I’m no prude but the world’s a crass enough place.

    1. john t

      Are you serious?? The guy says `bullshit’ and you freak out?? Mate, don’t come to Australia, your head would explode.

  2. Anthony

    Good for you Joe. I remember you wanting to ditch that car. Good to see you are staying with it. Keep it up.


    Funny you should mention the other side. I left the youngest instructions on what to do if he got bored and wanted to work on the car. I got home from work Tuesday and he stripped most of the pass side 1/4 and the pass door. The door is desert metal, replaced 10 years ago. But that 1/4…good lord that 1/4. I’ll post some pics to the thread in the next couple days….It is something to behold.

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