Say you have eight thousand dollars and a thing for huge trucks. What do you do? Sure, there’s tons of big pickup trucks on Craigslist, but that just isn’t big enough. Well, allow me to show you a great contender for shutting up all of the bro-truck crowd in one swift shot: this 2004 Ford F650 SUV. This is what the Sierra Club sees whenever the Ford Excursion is mentioned.
If you’ve been to Las Vegas you know exactly what this is. These absolutely monstrous medium-duty limos can be seen up and down the strip, hauling tons of intoxicated tourists around town. However, seeing a flat-black version (instead of pearl white with shiny bits and an underflow kit) is new, and honestly kind of frightening…it’s like seeing a SWAT Team tactical vehicle pulling into a Wal-Mart parking lot and seeing ten fully-kitted out cops go in to do their shopping. It’s powered by a CAT diesel hooked to an automatic and even as a diesel isn’t going to win any fuel mileage awards.
Honestly, this thing is ridiculously huge and unless you somehow make an RV out of it or have tons of stuff to tow, is only good for dropping jaws. It’s a set of flashing lights away from being the world’s most evil school bus, and it could be yours.
This should totally enrage the Prius driving weenie that lives up the road.
Ooooohhhh! Me likey! Can I have it? Pleeeeeease?
I am digging this on several levels.
I own an aging 2000 Excursion and I see some possibilities here…
8 grand? ummm, are you clickbaiting? it’s now 12 grand and the reserve hasn’t been met….
It was eight thousand when I wrote the article. As far as reserves…hey, if you’re bent on buying the Armageddon Schoolbus, you should be able to afford it.
It’s up to 31600.00 now.
No thanks. I already have one that I inherited from my brother-in-law. Well OK, it really ain’t a limousine but it is a F600 and it’s huge.
This is in the category of things that I desperately want and can not begin to justify.
Were money no object, I’d make an environment-murdering road tripping 4×4 out of this beast.
black hose