Rodder’s Helping Houston, A Hi-Octane Fundraising Campaign, Is On! Help Your Fellow Man!

Rodder’s Helping Houston, A Hi-Octane Fundraising Campaign, Is On! Help Your Fellow Man!

If there is one really great thing about Hurricane Harvey, it is the fact that amidst all the tragedy there are even more stories of human kindness, strength, community, and love. In a time when our news always seems to focus on something negative, rather than the daily good deeds of human beings around the world, it is easy to forget that people, by and large, are good. We’ve become an incredibly skeptical, suspicious, and distrusting world because of it. I personally choose to live my life as if people will be as good to me as I choose to be to them. If I get burned now and again, I’m okay with that. I’d rather get burned a few times than to go through life thinking everyone is out to screw me. In these early days of the tragedy in Houston, and throughout South Texas, the stories of survival and triumph are truly heart warming.

Hundreds, maybe thousands, of people hooked their boats to their trucks and headed toward Houston even as Hurricane Harvey was approaching land. And these people have rescued thousands and thousands of people and animals. Arguably more than the first responders and official rescue teams! And neighbors are taking care of neighbors. And strangers. I’m proud to be human this week. And also disappointed. Not because of anyone’s behavior, but because I want to be there helping too!

And I’m not alone. I’ve heard multiple hot rodding friends talk about wishing they could be there to help. Or wondering what they should do to help. Well our fellow hot rodders at The Goodguys Rod and Custom Association decided to step up and help by organizing a fund raising effort worth of hot rodders round the world.

Rodders Helping Houston is on and we encourage you to take a look at what it is all about and donate as you see fit. There are a lot of charitable organizations at work in this tough time and we’re hopeful that Hurricane Harvey victims will get the support and help they truly need. This is our hot rodding community’s chance to be a part of that.

Here is all the info from Rodders Helping Houston.


Pleasanton, CA 8/31/17 – An American tragedy has been unfolding in recent days which has lit a fire in the close knit hot rodding community. With Hurricane Harvey devastating the city of Houston and its communities, hot rodders worldwide are taking action.

Rodder’s Helping Houston, a hi-octane fundraising campaign was launched today in California with the aim of fueling the Houston flood relief effort. The money raised through the Rodders Helping Houston page will go directly to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund.

Car guys and gals around the world are urged to do what they can to help rebuild the lives of those in the city of Houston who need it most.

Get on the gas and donate what you can!


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