
the car junkie daily magazine.


SoCal BangShifters, Be at the NHRA Museum Cruise and Toy Drive Dec. 2

SoCal BangShifters, Be at the NHRA Museum Cruise and Toy Drive Dec. 2

If you live anywhere in Southern California, it’s totally worth it to come to the NHRA Motorsports Museum in Pomona on Wednesday night, December 2, from 4 to 8 pm, for the annual Prolong Cruise Night and Toy Drive. Just bring a new, unwrapped toy for a kid from 1-18 years old and you can join in with tons of other local cars for a fun night.

Click here to get more information from the NHRA Museum site.

Also, don’t forget the John Force Holiday Cruise on Dec. 6 from 10 to 4.

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