SPREAD THE WORD!!! FIND THIS CAR!!! Danny Ozcodi’s 1956 Chevrolet Nomad was stolen from the Sheraton parking lot, near the Grand National Roadster Show, early Sunday morning January 27th. Parking attendants were reported to have seen a white van pull in around 6am, and then the Nomad leaving minutes later. If you have information, call the Pomona P.D. at 909.620.2155
This one hits close to home since our own $200 Hauler was stolen, and luckily later recovered, back in October. It certainly had nowhere near the value of this Nomad, but it still pissed us off. Whoever the douche bags are that stole this Nomad should be beaten. Oh, I’m sorry that’s not politically correct. Oh well!
We were tipped off to this by BangShifter Ronnie Mankins who read about it on the HAMB. Please don’t start pointing fingers at everyone involved after reading this. Poor Danny needs our help and support, not everyone pointing fingers at him for not having LoJack or whatever. Same goes for bashing on the hotel personnel. The truth is, they aren’t there to protect your stuff. It is what it is. Nobody would have to bitch about them doing their job or not if it wasn’t for crappy humans stealing other peoples stuff. Instead of blaming the victim or the other people in the situation, blame the dirtbags who stole stuff.
Climbing off soap box now.
Terrible,you have to protect your self. Just take off the coil wire,that might stop them. I feel for the guy and hope they find his car.
when you spend that much time , effort and money on you pet project , the addition of a GPS tracker is a must! Sorry to hear of your loss mate , it’s also rife over here in Australia.
Very sad. It’s probably stripped by now, if they were professional thieves. A good friend had his show worthy Monte SS stolen @ a show in the Mid-West. The police found it two days later in an alley. Nothing was left but the body shell & the frame. He had a lot of money invested in it, and only got paid for the blue book value of a 1988 Chevy.
please get this up on your facebook page a.s.a.p so we can get the word out… it is easier to spread the word on social media….. i hope they catch the low life bastards who stole it.
SoCal has become a hot bed for high end cars getting stolen.
I hope they recover the Nomad in one piece,and castrate the POS that stole it.
I carry $45k insurance on my $30k car and leave the key in it.