
the car junkie daily magazine.


Everyone Sucks At TIG Welding The First Time They Do It, But Here Are Three Tips That Will Help You Not Suck For Long

Everyone Sucks At TIG Welding The First Time They Do It, But Here Are Three Tips That Will Help You Not Suck For Long

With rare exceptions, you kinda suck at everything you do for the very first time. Trying to ride a bike? Yep, you suck. But you did have mom and dad there with you giving you tips and tricks in an effort to get you up on two wheels quicker. Just like riding a bike, learning to TIG weld is easier if you have someone helping you learn quicker which in this case just might be nothing more than giving you a couple of tips.

Video Description:

These things were all tips that I DESPERATELY wish I could have learned sooner than I did when I picked up the torch and started to learn tig welding. But, I had to figure them all our on my own, and when I did, I was amazed at how I hadn’t realized them sooner. So today, I’d love to help any one out to save some time learning, and get you tig welding and laying some nice passes, much easier. Grab a coffee, and come hang *LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE*** My Tig Weld BROKE!!! https://youtu.be/oMzqoUmsid8

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