Shaping metal can be ultra simple or very complex, depending on what you are trying to do. Having the right tools, and knowing how to use them, is key. Thankfully Karl at Make It Kustom is great at showing how to make your own tools and how to use them. In a recent episode he went over making a tucking hammer which is used for shrinking metal, and in this episode he’s showing how to make a Shrinking Stump to use that hammer on. It’s a cool idea, super simple, and something anyone could do at home with just some strap steel, a fence post, a few screws, and some nylon. Sound simple don’t you think?
Watch the video below and you’ll see that it rally is. In fact, the hardest part of this build would be bending the 1/4 inch strap if you don’t have a press brake, and that would just require a big hammer and your vice. Hell, I can think of a few ways to make this thing with some other pieces too, so I’m sure you can come up with something as well. The only thing that isn’t a readily available part from your local hardware store is probably the nylon, but so what. I’m sure you can order it online somewhere.