A couple of years ago, as a Question of the Day article, I offered up the idea of a one-model racing series that could be done on the cheap with used-car lot refugees that were half a step away from death’s door. You know the cars…too new to be classic, too old to be fresh, too thrashed to be useful to 90% of the population, but somehow still hanging on for dear life in the back section of some skeezy buy-here, pay-here lot on the grimier side of town. Surely a Baja class for Ford Expeditions that were burping out their spark plugs would be a riot, or maybe the Minivan 500 at Talladega. (Actually, now that I think about it, that would be a blast, especially if you had the NASCAR drivers at the wheel!)
A couple months ago, Kevin started buying up every cheap, tired, beaten and rotting W-body Pontiac Grand Prix he could get his hands on for a little something he was planning. Having just gained some property, he wanted to put that land to good use and wanted his friends involved. A fleet of Pontiacs and a lone Monte Carlo later, and this is the result: the Grand Prix Grand Prix. The rules are simple: There is a course in the dirt, there is nothing to win but the pride of coming in first, there’s a water trap, and inadvertently, there is something that is either supposed to be a jump or an approximation of the Interstate between the Alabama state line and the city of Nashville. The lead image will explain everything you need to know.
For anybody who is all set to rain on this parade, save it. None of these cars were in any great condition, most of them were beyond thrashed before Kevin turned the hoard upon them for the modifications, and in the end, it was just a good time with friends on his property. We politely ask that when he prepares the Taurus Throwdown, that he lets us know the date well in advance and that he saves us a car. We aren’t going to miss this!
Theat looked like a whole lot of fun!