
the car junkie daily magazine.


The Ridetech Report: SEMA 2011 from a Hot Rodders Perspective

The Ridetech Report: SEMA 2011 from a Hot Rodders Perspective

Ridetech Grand Poobah Bret Voelkel is known for saying it like it is, and for having a good time whenever possible. This week we’ll be bringing you his “Hot Rodders Perspective” of the 2011 SEMA Show. No new product announcements, no sales job, just a cool perspective of what the 2011 SEMA show is all about.

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2011 SEMA Daily Update 1

SEMA from a hotrodder’s perspective

not going to say much this week about new products or specific
companies…that will all be well covered by the paid media. Nope, I’m
going to bore everyone with a hotrodder’s view of the largest automotive
happening in the world.
I’ve been going to SEMA show since 1987… This is my 25th SEMA! The
changes have been many, but it is certainly the biggest toy store in the
world. 3,000,000 square feet of foot-grinding display area to cover in
only 4 days! I’m not sure which I like best, the cars or all the new
products that we can use on building our cars.
For me, Monday is set-up day. We get to set up our display and hook up
with the 73 RideTech customers who have cars and trucks here with our
products on them. You’ll see some of them this week. I also get to place
the 48 Hour Camaro at SEMA this year. Getting your car parked is fairly
orderly…much unlike getting it un-parked on Friday evening!
One of the traditions of SEMA is celebrating Halloween in Vegas. I can
only describe it by saying Vegas goes from ridiculous to just
unbelievable! Most years, we do the Hard Rock Cafe. This year we
ventured downtown to a place called Hogs and Heifers, and then over to
the general street party on Fremont Street. Kickass party!
There must be well over 1000 display cars here this year. The lots
outside the buildings look like a Wal-Mart parking lot at Christmas! I
don’t understand why they think it’s cool to pack as many cars as
possible in any given area…you can’t see anything. Luckily, they
placed the 48 Hour Camaro in a great spot near the street so we can move
it into the ARMO banquet on Tuesday evening. This will also allow me an
easy exit on Friday to get to the Optima race when the show is over.
Otherwise I could have been stuck there for hours waiting to get out.
Well, it’s time to make the donuts, as they say. I’ve got a TV interview
at 12:30 for the Optima race, and we’re moving the car into the ARMO
banquet at 2:00. Until then, enjoy some pictures from setup day at

– Bret Voelkel
(read this story online)

Jimi day’s new ’69 AMX in the centerforce booth. Look for this thing running in the Optima race this weekend.

My buddy Vince Sica is back with VDO gauges…and has lost 150 lbs!!

Ridler-winning customer Bruce Ricks 56 ford in the Meguires booth.

The newest creation from Jim and Mike Ring…a ’65 mustang that has been
widened by 4″! This this is seriously cool and it’s in the Royal Purple

Our buddy Goldberg in his wife’s new ’70 Trans Am. She will be running
in the Optima race on Saturday as well. Look for Tigercage installation
video on this car later this year.

Jf Launier’s ’57 chevy has a big block and an automatic…and is running
at optima on Saturday.  Maybe an unlikely combination, but he ran a
similar setup last year and did well.

2011 SEMA Daily Update 2

Bret Voelkel sent in the 2nd report from Tuesday, after completing day one of SEMA:

“The crowd at SEMA this year is huge! I’m told buyer registration is up
by 20%. I believe it judging by the difficulty in getting through the
aisles. I spent most of the day bouncing back and forth between the 48
Hour Camaro, our display booth, and the Optima corral outside where most
of the participants for the Optima event were parked. As part of the
Optima event on Saturday, I had to do an interview for the upcoming TV
show.  Of course they always want to know how I think we will place. I
always try to be realistic. We’ve always had a top ten car at that
event. The 48 Hour Camaro is our fastest entry yet, but every one else
has gotten faster as well.  I think we’ll end up somewhere between 7th
and 10th. We’ll see!
I also had to move the camaro over to the Hilton for the ARMO banquet. It was as big a hit there as it’s been everywhere else.
I got to see Albert Melchior’s new 70 trans am today for the first time.
Great car! It was built by Scott Mock and will be driven on Saturday by
Scott’s son Kevin Miller. He said he had it out last weekend for
testing and was completely impressed with his new triple adjustable coil
overs. Thanks Albert!
Tomorrow we are shooting 8 customer testimonial videos with the guys
from Bangshift. We’ll be talking to Jimi Day, Troy Trepanier, Alan
Johnson, Albert Melchior, Goldberg, Curt Ukasic, and several others at
the show. Look for those videos to start showing up on our website in
the next 30 days or so.
I’ve been stunned by the number of customers who have come by the booth
to request our “wheel trophy” signs and decals for their cars. Very
gratifying…love happy customers…they always buy more stuff!
The big thing here this year seems to be new Camaros and old
Mustangs…must be 200 of each… Glad our Gen 5 Camaro system will be
done shortly!  The other big thing seems to be the absence of booth
babes. I guess the first thing that gets cut when things get tight.
Anyway…here are some pictures from Tuesday. Until tomorrow…”

– Bret Voelkel
(Read this story online)

Not sure exactly what this is, but it’s Australian, and the metalwork is just killer. Hard to get a picture, too many people!

VERY cool 66 charger from Alan Johnsons shop. You’ll see more of this one.

Mark Rife’s 63 corvette with an ls7, C4 suspension, and our triple
adjustable coilovers. Mark is racing with us on Saturday at Optima.

One of my favorites so far…2nd gen Camaro from the Ring Brothers.

48 Hour Camaro on display at the ARMO banquet.

Albert Melchior’s new 70 trans am. Albert is racing with us as well on Saturday. He is so excited!

RideTech Customer: Mary Pozzi
talks about autocross, shocks & tuning
our latest video, Mary Pozzi discusses some techniques and insight on
how she likes to set up her camaro autocross racer with her RideTech


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