It hasn’t been long since the last sinkhole to grace our presence, the Corvette Museum sinkhole, was filled to the brim and sealed off, but apparently there is something about the South that causes holes to open up and swallow cars whole. In this case, a Meridian, Mississippi IHOP’s parking lot opened up and gulped down at least 14 vehicles in one quick bite as owners were surely choking on their Rooty Tooty Fresh ‘n Fruity at the sight. The sinkhole opened up around 7:15 p.m. CST at the IHOP, which had just opened up about a week prior.
With three inches of rain having fallen over the weekend and ten inches of rain having fallen within the past week, it isn’t surprising that there are issues with soil stability in the area, but even with those figures, the 50 ft. wide by 600 ft. long by 30 ft. deep hole is an anomaly. No word yet on when the cars will be removed, how the sinkhole will be dealt with, or if Finnegan and Freiburger will try to ghost ride a C3 Corvette into the bottom of this pit.
There is a rather wide culvert pipe under that mess. They won’t hold up much if not set properly.
I’ve viewed the pictures, and I can’t find a car in the hole that I care about. Even if Finnigan and/or Freiburger were in the hole my MGS (microgiveayeah) meter would be at zero.
Who knew you could spend $50K on breakfast @ IHOP??
It is a crime against nature to be at IHOP at 7:15 pm. Nature was simply righting a wrong by eating their cars.