You see all sorts of crap strapped to the roof of a car. Lumber, mattresses, Aunt Bethany, whatever. But when my wife sent me this pic of a gigantic stuffed tiger strapped to the roof of a Hyundai Accent in downtown Bowling Green, my eyebrows raised. Even more odd? That traffic light up ahead is pretty much right where Brian stays the night when he’s in town covering an event. I’m sure that’s just a random coincidence. (Correction: I hope that’s just a random coincidence.)
I don’t even know where to start making jokes with this one so I leave it to you, faithful BangShift readers: What in the ever-loving hell is going on with this picture? Caption it or explain it, please. But someone tell this guy that this wasn’t exactly what was meant about using his accent to get…well, you know.
Bowling Green….please tell me that’s a WKU pledge.
Animal Cruelty….it’s not in an NHTSA approve transport cage.
Nope, it was a middle aged guy.
You’ve heard of having a tiger in the tank? WEEELLLLLLL……
My six week old kitten is sleeping on top of my Hyundai again! (the cars are small)
You forgot to blur the license plate’s reflection in the hood of your car.
Oh and that’s the new Hyundai theft deterrent system.
At least it ain’t a unicorn
Even now as a grown man Calvin takes Hobbes everywhere.
Sh@t where did we put the cat?
Is this related?