Sometimes, you just can’t help someone. They are so damn headstrong about what they are doing that it doesn’t matter what you say or do, they are gonna do it anyways and only after they realize that they stepped knee-deep into their own BS do they bother asking for help. This story came from a wheel and tire fitment specialist at a store I frequent here locally.
“We had a customer come in with an XJ Cherokee that had just gotten a two-inch lift put under it. He wanted to put 33’s on. If you put 2 inches of lift on an XJ, you can fit a 31″ tire easily, but a 33” tire just won’t work. You couldn’t tell this guy that, he kept insisting on getting them. So we ordered them, mounted them up and bolted them on. Sure enough, he can barely turn the wheels as he tries to back out of the garage. I walked up to the door and reminded him that once he turned out of our parking lot, he bought them. He said, “I know”, with a look like “Shut the f*** up, I know what I’m doin’.” He came back about five days later. The front fenders had been removed and the back…that was just destroyed. He ordered 31’s.
I wish I could see the pictures…not of the Jeep, that’d make me sad, but of this guy’s face as he walked up to the counter, mangled Cherokee in the parking lot, having to order the tires you TOLD HIM TO ORDER after he screwed his truck up. I’m sure the 33’s were toast if they did that much damage to the truck.
Some folks just know it all. I wonder if the jerk’s an ex 2nd Lt.
The customer isn’t always right, he got what he deserved.
Seen the same thing a few times working at the parts store.
Amazing he had the guts to come back to the same parts store after screwing up that badly.
I always gave the customer what they asked for after trying to explain what they actually needed. Then I sold them the correct part when they came back. I don’t know everything but try hard to get it right the first time.