
the car junkie daily magazine.


133 MPH On The Highway, And It Is Perfectly Legal! Sign Us Up!

133 MPH On The Highway, And It Is Perfectly Legal! Sign Us Up!

This video is not only cool because it has awesome cars and car guy stuff in it, but also because of just how giddy Kyle and the 1320 Video crew are during this trip to Germany. They run down the Autobahn in both slow and fast cars, attend a standing half mile event, visit some really cool tuner and builder shops, and then also have some fun with their rental Skoda. This is just one of the videos they are posting from their Germany trip, so stay tuned for the others as well.

One thing we like about this video is the historical side of things that have them enjoying car stuff while also seeing the history of Germany right in front of them. Take a look.


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2 thoughts on “133 MPH On The Highway, And It Is Perfectly Legal! Sign Us Up!

  1. Gary Smrtic

    American drivers suck so badly! In Germany, if someone is acting like a rolling roadblock; driving slower than traffic in the left lane, and you flash your lights and they still don’t move, you can bump them to motivate them to move over. No, they don’t have more accidents because of that, because in general, their drivers are so much better and more responsible and polite.

  2. 69rrboy

    Yep you can’t drive anywhere around my area anymore and that’s in perfect weather. Then if it rains or 1 flake of snow hits the windshield…forget it. Instant parking lot. Most annoying!!!

    My old girlfriend grew up in Germany in the 70s. She told me when there was an accident on the autobahn(and she said that wasn’t very often), in most cases they wouldn’t bother to send an ambulance out. They’d just send a sweeper truck because there usually wasn’t much left of the cars involved.

    So it’s not always ideal but I sure would like to find out for myself!

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