
the car junkie daily magazine.


A Ford Transit Heading To The Scrapper, Tons Of Fireworks And Britain’s Most Unhinged Engineer…What Could Go Wrong?

A Ford Transit Heading To The Scrapper, Tons Of Fireworks And Britain’s Most Unhinged Engineer…What Could Go Wrong?

Bless you, Mister Colin Furze. How the police in Linconshire haven’t arrested you for this one is beyond us, but as always, the creator of such …um, “interesting” items like homemade Wolverine claws, a Tuk-Tuk that has more firepower and horsepower than a fully stocked HMMWV and his own freaking hover bike has decided to answer a fan’s concern. Recently, Furze made a 5,000 shot firework disco ball he termed the “Deathstar”, and during the buildup phase a fan noticed him driving down a motorway with his van loaded for bear with fireworks. Serious fireworks. The kind that usually are named during a news feature about somebody losing a hand on the Fourth of July or similar event. Since the Ford Transit had a date with the scrapyard due to severe tinworm infestation, and because it involves fire, explosions, and just about everything else that would make an otherwise sleepy British town wake right the hell up, a plan was hatched. The Transit was going to go out in style…and in one great big flashy explosion. Again, we ask: how were you not arrested for this?! The cops would have us in the slammer in zero seconds flat!

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