Nobody wants to run over an animal with a car…well, nobody sane, anyways. But it happens…everything from the deer you never saw coming, to the possum you didn’t see laying in the road until it was too late, to the exceedingly pissed off bobcat that not only shrugged off your car, but is waiting for you to try to remove it from the grille. Ever since the motor car was invented, it was a foregone conclusion that at some point in time, some members of the wild kingdom would find their end underneath the wheels of a passing vehicle.
This hare, on the other hand, had different ideas for a van in Scotland early one morning. Instead of committing suicide or playing Bunny Frogger and testing it’s luck, it instead decides to taunt the van and the people inside of it for miles. The video cuts in after the three-mile mark, and already the lads are a bit annoyed and amused at the same time. The commentary is priceless…”Is he f**kin’ gettin’ faster?!” certainly shows that if you had panned the camera to where you could see into the van, you’d see a few Scotsmen…who all are starting to resemble Elmer Fudd just a little bit.
NSFW Warning: Three annoyed Scots swear in normal conversation like you wouldn’t believe. Headphones suggested.
(Courtesy: Car Throttle)