Carpe diem…sieze the day…conquer. The idea is to make the most out of every moment out of the day, and there isn’t a better analogy for a human to follow than winning. Everybody wants to be the winner…and not everybody can be, regardless of what your sixth-grade teacher tried to teach you if you happen to be under the age of thirty-five. You have to be the fastest, strongest, and smartest in order to become the most successful. That’s how nature works, right?
Well…let’s start with the idea of nature leaving a gigantic pile of pea gravel just laying about in southern Ohio that has a marked-off course lined up and ready to go. Let’s look at the line of vehicles sitting at the base, waiting to take their crack at getting to the top in the shortest amount of time possible. Gravelrama is one of those events that I read about in four-wheel-drive magazines decades ago. You needed tires that would dig in deep enough for traction but wouldn’t dig to China, lest you wind up in your own ruts. And the photos were incredible, with vehicles trying to climb what looked like a seventy-five degree hill the size of a building. You’d be ready to hop behind the wheel and pin the throttle while shooting straight into the sky, wouldn’t you?