Prior to the infamous 1979 Daytona 500, there were very few ways to see the entirety of a stock car race. Obviously, you could go in person to a track and watch as drivers battled it out for supremacy. Or, you might be lucky enough to catch a pre-recorded and trimmed-up race on a television show. But usually, if you weren’t there, you didn’t get a full immersion experience like you have been able to do for over forty years now. And in 1955, you were really just taking the words of the officials who printed them down if you weren’t on the sidelines cheering on as the cars passed.
This would be one of those rare appearances of older footage when it comes to stock-car racing. It’s a Purolator promotion piece that was filmed during the 1955 Southern 500 at Darlington. There’s plenty of promo shots and product placement, but there’s plenty of good stuff too, like Fireball Roberts, Herb Thomas, Smokey Yunick, the Flock brothers, and cars like Buicks, ’55 Chevrolets and Chrysler C-300s preparing to battle it out. One leader, one follower, and a field of machines behind them in a cloud of dust. Check this out!
Those Buicks look good as a stock car!
Sorry, Madonna, but when I see cool old stuff like this “It makes me want to touch myself!” Err… I mean… GET OFF ME! I’M OLD!!!