
the car junkie daily magazine.


Classic YouTube: The Impossible Belgian Motorcycle Hillclimb. Many Try, Most End Up In Pain…

Classic YouTube: The Impossible Belgian Motorcycle Hillclimb. Many Try, Most End Up In Pain…

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein knew exactly what he was talking about when he nailed that line. At some point you have to face the facts and come to terms with what is going on: you’re failing, everybody who is trying with you is failing, and nothing is going to change about this. This footage is from a 2010 hill climb in Belgium, and credit must go to whoever looked at this hellish combination of loose soil, gravel, and rocks that are perfectly shaped to kick up the back tire of the bike, causing the rider to experience fear and sensations that only professional bull riders are fully understanding of. Naturally, the only way out of the scene is down. If the rider is smart, they’ll ditch the motorcycle for the tire wall and hang on for dear life. If they aren’t…well, just trust yours truly when I say that getting hit directly in the helmet with the rear tire of a motorcycle as it races you to the bottom of a hill is the salt in the wound of the whole situation. Yet, the riders keep lining up like lemmings at a cliff. Surely, one of them has to make it to the top, right? Just get into second gear and keep that throttle twisted…and hold on like a mother!

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