We have to hand it to Britain’s resident mad scientist, he made good on his word. Colin Furze’s 100 horsepower bumper car is done, and it’s a lesson in…well, fear, speed, something like that. This is what comes about when the BBC wants a new toy to raise the Stig’s blood pressure. And Furze has delivered nicely. With the engine from a Honda CBR600RR settled between his feet bolted to a hand-fabricated chassis that houses just about everything needed to make the little sprite move like the wind, and an *ahem* “roll bar” for the Stig’s safety, the bumper car…excuse us, “dodge’em”…is ready for it’s biggest test: is it the fastest bumper car in the world? Furze surely is hopeful, because an independent judge from Guinness is present to watch as the silent man in all-white racing attire makes two official passes down the runway. Would you be willing to grab the handlebars and give this little screamer a ride?