Crash And Burn: This Mud Racer Went Over Two Guardrails And A Fence After Losing Control

Crash And Burn: This Mud Racer Went Over Two Guardrails And A Fence After Losing Control

The waiver form you sign when you go to a track might as well be the “terms and conditions” you read when you go to download an update for a video game: instead of clicking the box and clicking “continue”, you have to scribble something that roughly equates to your name and you gain access. Since there is a good chance that you didn’t even flinch your eyes towards the fine print, the short version of what you are signing is this: You are at a live racing event, where even though all precautions have been taken to ensure your safety, there is an element of danger that will always be present and that the track staff, nor the promotors, nor anyone else in charge can guarantee that elements nobody ever saw coming won’t hurt you.

If you need a visual reminder of what that last bit actually means, Busted Knuckle Videos captured a great example for you to check out. You are at Bithlo Mud Racing near Orlando, Florida, and the truck is “The Regulator”, a mega truck set up for serious mud running. Mid-run, the driver gets out of the groove and the truck goes out of control, clearing guardrails and rolling through a fence before coming to rest on top of an easy-up canopy. Nobody was hurt, but you can chalk that up to luck. You have to be alert to your surroundings at a race, and prepared for just about anything.

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