We know Adam Flamholc through Benoit “The Frenchman” Pigeon, who is one of our BangShift Contributors and Pro Mod addict extreme, and are absolutely amazed at how completely he destroyed his car Friday night at the NHRA National Event in St. Louis. This may be the worst Pro Mod Crash we’ve ever seen in fact. It’s unbelievable how violent and complete the destruction of this car was. The great news is that the car did exactly what it was designed to do in a crash. It protected Adam. The Swede will drive again thanks to bumps, bruises, and a broken arm only. We are very glad to hear it, because this kind of crash could easily be the one that punches your clock.
Take a look at the video below, and let us know if you think this could be the nastiest Pro Mod crash ever.
Click play to watch. There is no sound on the video, so don’t think your computer is screwed up.
good response time for the safety crew!
Sure was a nasty one… but one thing that we can say about our European racers is that they are a resilient bunch. Only 6 days prior to this nasty one from Adam, Graham Ellis, one of his fellow racers over here in the UK had this biggy at Santa Pod Raceway at our National Finals – almost a carbon copy of Tim Tindle’s US Nationals crash. Wishing both Adam and Graham a speedy recovery, and we know that both will be back behind the wheel just as soon as they can.
This is the second European Promod racer to suffer a dramatic crash in as many weeks as our own English racer had a big spill at Santapod during the European finals in the UK at. Take a look at the link below.
Hope they both have a speedy recovery and get back to the track very soon.
Sorry it was the National Finals Not the European finals!!!
Remember how NHRA banned AA/Fuel Altereds, because they were so unruly? Well, the Pro Mods are the new Fuel Altered. It seems to me that the NHRA is not concerned nearly enough about safety. Yes, the car held together, per NHRA specs, and saved his life. But, this easily could have turned very bad, and this sort of thing is happening WAY too often. Just like Top Fuel and Funny Car engine failures! There is NO reason for so many engine explosions…….except that they sell tickets! I am growing more and more tired of the NHRA. Give me a good nostalgia race, any day.
@don, Ya cause nothing ever blew up in the “good” ole days right..
Apparently there’s no video on the video either. Is the link down?