Not since I was 8 have I seen cinder blocks, plywood, and 2×8’s used to make a scarier ramp. Like the guy shooting the video I could not suppress my enthusiasm and fear when I saw it for the first time. At the same moment, I thought, “Wow, if this dude is all about this, I wonder if he would have let me drive!”. You have to check this out because as you expect it’s all going to go horribly wrong which is why this video is oh so right.
Click play to watch.
Set the emergency brake and drive the Budget truck out from under it, try again!
Looks like one of our old bike ramps, only we used whatever lumber we could find. You mentioned 8 and I think about 10 we discovered that rotten plywood and cinder block equal bad idea, kinda like our intrepid hero here.
must be a businessman because he sure ain’t no engineer
Are you sure?
I’m guessing it was in two wheel drive as it didn’t spit them out until the front axle hit the truck. He might have a,de it if in 4wd. Still retarted though.
Those ramps remind me of the first level of angry birds.
Put ‘er in 4 low and crawl up in.
well if it woulda been me I woulda use 4×4 blocks under the front tires to give clearance and blocked the rear deck to keep from ripping rear bumper of hence the reason flatbeds r equipped with these type of blocks this could went alot different if the old guy had to proper training or even just set and thought about how to load and unload this car best thing u can do is contact your insurance company and then contact the companies insurance .. pure stupidity on the flatbed drivers part
this guy’s an embarrasment to the jeeping community 2hi and an open diff? jeeeez….
Why didn’t he just get two loading ramps from Penske when he rented the truck to use for loading instead of this redneck configuration? That would make sense but, you can’t fix stupid! Common sense isn’t common !!
Go to Uhaul and rent a trailer. Forrest Gump is alive and well.
Should we get a jack LOL