
the car junkie daily magazine.


Exceeding The Limits Of Sketchy: Blowing The Wheel Off Of A Monster S-10

Exceeding The Limits Of Sketchy: Blowing The Wheel Off Of A Monster S-10

If you have never had the joy of losing a wheel on a moving vehicle, let’s be very clear: it is an event that will open your eyes wide and slam your sphincter shut. I’ve had it happen a couple of times…the Dirty Cougar’s left/rear wheel had the lug nuts backed off and the wheel almost completely bailed the program most recently…but the telltale signs were pretty much the same: a quick, strong vibration before a sudden elevation drop and a newly-formed crease in the seat. Ever experience “death wobble”? Yeah, it’s a lot like that. Whether the lug nuts weren’t tightened, or you snapped every last stud, or you did something super dramatic and now get to have a phone conversation with a wheel manufacturer, if the wheel bails the program, it’s going to be the highlight of the week at least.

Jeremy from Fasterproms has been working on a beast of a twin-turbocharged Chevrolet S-10 for a bit, and while we haven’t seen much of this build, we do know that it’s supposed to be an all-wheel-drive monster. So we don’t completely understand why there was a need to bring it out to an empty strip to rip the skins off of the rear tires alone, but we aren’t going to argue with that kind of fun. But watch what happens when this bed-equipped square proceeds to go full-on violent right before the driver’s side rear wheel chucks the deuces and hauls ass on it’s own accord…

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