When the sky is dark and the moon is the only light you shall see, quiet is what you should be. This is for the sake of your neighbor, your townsfolk and for the sake of peace itself. We don’t disagree with that one bit…we’ve had the noisy neighbor who blasts their music at odd hours of the night, exchanging our dreams for visions of grevious bodily harm if they don’t shut down the bass. Night should be quiet and peaceful, but night time is also the perfect time for an attack. Normally, that means “attack” as Sun Tzu imagined it during the creation of The Art of War, when the enemy is asleep or can be easily disoriented. But then there is time attack rally racing, and it all starts the same: when the countdown hits five seconds, the throttle is laid into, the revs howl to the moon, the anti-lag starts popping off and at “zero”, tires start to rip at the asphalt as the car shoots off like a rocket into the blackness. Sleep is overrated…wake the neighbors up right.
Was that a V8 powered car at 2:44? Sounded like one but as much as I love to watch Rally I know very little about it.