We’ve all spent time admiring personalized, or vanity, plates on different cars and trucks at show, events, or around town. If you are like me, you have spent even more time trying to figure out something cool for your own ride. Hell, I remember when you had to fill out an actual paper form and send it in to the DMV and wait to see if it was available. Or, if you were lucky and had a DMV near you with nice people at it you might be able to have them look it up for you. But nowadays you can just go to the website and type it in and they will tell you right away whether it is available.
So can you imagine coming up with something really creative, finding that it is available, and then paying to get it for your new ride, only to have the State come back later and tell you that it was deemed offensive and that they were going to revoke it? That is exactly what happened to this guy in Houston.
But here’s the deal. The State if Texas is right. But I’m not sure that 99.99999% of the world would get this one while following it in traffic. Did you get it before they explained it?
What’s the best personalized plate you’ve ever seen? Let us know in the comments below.
I always had 3MTA3 on the windshield of my motorcycle.
When personalized plates were new in CA Lawrence Welj got A1ANA2. My father had ARCHIE on his VW bug.
So what does it mean. I live in Texas and have no clue.
Did you watch the video? It says it right in the video.