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Fast And Furious 7 Production Is Two Thirds Done. Check Out The Movie Trailer Here

Fast And Furious 7 Production Is Two Thirds Done. Check Out The Movie Trailer Here

With this weekend’s tragic death of “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker, questions about the future of the “Fast and Furious” franchise, and “Fast and Furious 7” in particular, have been swirling around like mad. According to our sources, about two-thirds of the production of “Fast and Furious 7” has been completed already. Clearly Paul Walker is a star in the movie and that leads many to wonder how, or if, they will finish and release the movie. Earlier this fall the announcement was made that the movie would Premier in June of 2014.

Sometimes a movie can be manipulated during editing to use more or less of one character or another, but given Walker’s role has always been front and center we aren’t sure how the production team handles a situation like this. Depending on how much green screen work had been done it may be possible to fit him into a couple extra scenes, but our guess is a serious plot twist will have to be made in order to explain his sudden departure from the story. When we hear something, we will let you know.

Until then check out this Trailer for the movie, as seen after the credits for “Fast and Furious 6”, and stay tuned for a sneak peek video from the soon to be released “Fast and Furious 6” on Blu Ray. It’s available in stores December 10th and will feature a huge sneak peek from the upcoming movie.

Again our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of both Paul Walker and Roger Rodas. Both were great guys that will be missed.

Click play to watch the trailer and sneak peek videos.



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7 thoughts on “Fast And Furious 7 Production Is Two Thirds Done. Check Out The Movie Trailer Here

  1. Scott Liggett

    With today’s technology in movies, they have more options in order finish the movie witbout him. It could be a rewrite and reshooting some scenes to cgi his face on another actor.

  2. Silent Observer

    Just a heads up. This “trailer” is a collection of past movie clips. It doesn’t contain any new or F&F7 information.

  3. roy curry

    I think this should be the last one since Paul Walker is no longer with us.He will be greatly missed by many.RIP Paul.Also my condolences go out to the Rodas family.

  4. John T

    not being picky here but….if he DIDN’T die would you be running F& F as a Bangshift feature? How many people would be commenting about how great these movies are? Let me say first and foremost that he seemed to be a nice guy, he was doing charity work and all the rest of it which is great and to be commended. It would, however, be massively hypocritical to say that F&F movies are any good…lets face it, they always have been, and continue to be, wildly inaccurate, poorly acted films that (up until a few days ago) got up every car heads nose. Worse than that they glorify the EXACT kind of driving on public roads that has caused this tragic accident. I feel genuinely sorry for him, his fiends and their families – but lets call a spade a spade here – these films are crap plain and simple.

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