If you haven’t heard about Cash Days, then you are missing out on one of the greatest street races ANYWHERE. And before you start whining about street racing being illegal and dangerous, and all that blah blah blah stuff, let me say that we here at BangShift.com know that it is illegal, know that it is dangerous, and know that it shouldn’t be done. We do not endorse street racing. But denying it exists, or that we’ve done it ourselves, is akin to Bill Clinton saying he didn’t inhale. We inhaled. Get over it. Cash Days is crazy and you won’t find more hard core wheels up street racing in one place. 1320 Video has the DVD available now as well.
Click play to watch the trailer. You will want the DVD as well.
Yes, it happens. That doesn’t mean we should encourage it, support it, or glorify it. Just my opinion.
Agreed, while may of us have done it at some point, we are also old enough to be ashamed of it.
BangShift would be well-advised to steer clear of ANYTHING even remotely construed as condoning street racing, including pitching videos of street racing action. Nothing good can come of it.
Yeah, be cautious. You don’t want to be someone’s target. I like this website, and I don’t want to see it at risk of problems.
I’ll see you guys in church
I guess I’ll be the first to say that I love watching street racing, or the no-prep racing that various drag strips promote. Yes, it’s crazy to have big horsepower cars on the street, and yes, it’s dangerous. My first street race was in the passenger seat of what is now my Corvette when I was about 10 years old. My dad got a phone call one night, and he told me to get dressed, we’re going to town. That night is absolutely, without a doubt, one of the best memories of my childhood.
Say what you want our town had a guy willing to build a first class drag strip and then ran him out of town, said it wasn’t needed, the nearest qtr mile we have is 140 miles away, and the nearest 1/8 mile is in Iowa approx 75 miles away, the leadership in our county didn’t want a drag strip, they said it wasn’t needed, and also said there is no street racing in our community, I got news for them, 1320 video has shot a lot of video in Lincoln of drag racing. I agree with bang shift, blah, blah, blah, it is dangerous, it is wrong, blah, blah, but it is also awesome to watch, I wish we had legal local drag strip for people to use, not everyone has the funds or access to trailer there car 175 miles to the nearest qtr mile track.
I meant 140 miles
What’s really stupid is somebody videoing this. Kinda makes ya wonder how stupid people are. What’s the point in posting up a video on youtube about illegal street racing? Hell you can build all the dragstrips you want but until theres some sort of venue of run what ya brung and let the best man win. Aint nothing going to change.