Kentucky has the bourbon trail, which is awesome, but if you don’t have a driver then it can be a bit disappointing. The Donut Trail, in Ohio, on the other hand is one that you can drive and enjoy to your little donut loving heart’s content and the only thing that might suffer is your waistline and blood sugar levels. Besides a fun road trip that revolves around yummy donuts, there is also a little bit of adventure in the whole thing as no matter which donut shop you start at you can get a Passport that needs to get stamped by all the others. Fun for the kids, fun for you, it’s a win win! In fact if you visit at least 12 of the 15 you’ll get a free T-Shirt.
And for those of you who might think this is just a bit too much for your waistline or health, know that if you come in September they have a couple of different bicycle rides that have the shops bring the donuts out to the course for you so you can burn off the calories while you ride!
This is a legitimately cool deal. There are several videos online of people having fun with it and this would be a great way to spend a day with your kids. Sure eating a dozen donuts in a day is probably not a good idea, but share them, bring them home, whatever. Donuts are cheap, it won’t take that much gas, and if you do it right this should be a family fun road trip you’ll talk about for a while. Do it. And then report back to us.
Check it out, this looks cool. GET MORE INFO HERE