
the car junkie daily magazine.


Roll Medics: This Compilation Of Dirt Bike Incidents Will Leave You Shopping For Gear You Don’t Need

Roll Medics: This Compilation Of Dirt Bike Incidents Will Leave You Shopping For Gear You Don’t Need

Four broken fingers. Both ankle joints rolled multiple times. Broken collarbone. Those are just some of the injuries that I either earned or aggravated by racing dirt bikes. I wasn’t trying to be the next Travis Pastrana…we’re the same age more or less, and I watched his career fly as high and as far as he flew. I also heard the sickening thump in my head every time he landed less than perfect, because it was a sound I know first-hand and very well. I love playing around on bikes, really I do. Whether I’m slow trail riding on a Honda Fat Cat or I was screaming down a fire road as fast as my Yamaha two-stroke would go, I had plenty of fun times throwing rocks, catching air and roosting dirt. I also found new and inventive ways to leave me laying on the damp forest floor somewhere in western Washington, wondering what the hell just happened. You want to know why people harp about safety gear on motorcycles? This, right here.

This is a compilation video that will show you just about every potential scenario that could befall a rider. Chicken wire bailing up the chain sprocket, “insta-stop” mud that will suck a bike down fast, or the hill you knew damn well was not going to be easy to climb, yet you throttled down and went for broke anyways…every bad decision is going to be put on display. Remember, ride safely, ride sanely, and know your limits. And don’t ride anywhere near kangaroos…apparently they have not one ounce of self-preservation instinct.

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