Hopping on a dirt bike, getting onto a track with a handful of like-minded lunatics, and blasting around until you either finish the race, finish off the bike or end up in the back of the meat wagon is one thing. But after seeing what you’re about to see, you have to honestly wonder about the mental stability of a guy who is willing to, quite literally, just hang on for the ride of their life. Sidecar Motorcross is just as batshit crazy as regular motocross is as far as the action itself goes: there are jumps, whoops, and did I mention jumps? Because the guy not in control of the throttle or brakes is literally hanging on for dear life on a wheeled platform on the side. And it isn’t like he’s strapped down and giving course notes like a rally co-driver…the more unbalanced of the riding pair is expected to be useful counterweight. This footage is from the Sidecar Motorcross World Championship qualifying race in Germany. Why Germany, you may ask? Imagine trying to get insurance coverage for an event like this in the States. The insurance rep would have an aneurism before the first motorcycle was fired up.