
the car junkie daily magazine.


This Guy Knows His Machine! Watch As He Pulls Off Stunts With His Yamaha MT-07 Like It’s A Bicycle!

This Guy Knows His Machine! Watch As He Pulls Off Stunts With His Yamaha MT-07 Like It’s A Bicycle!

Do you remember mastering the J-turn on your bicycle by locking up the rear wheel and swinging the tail around? Remember how awesome you thought you were for being able to master the perfect one-eighty spin? Maybe you tried to emulate the cool kids who were doing all sorts of tricks, like riding backwards or performing long wheelies. Sure, every now and then you bounced off of the ground and gained a little bit of road rash, but you went back outside, picked the bike back up and in short order, was trying to make that jump all over again. So what does that have to do with a Russian and a Yamaha MT-07 motorcycle? Well…except for the drifting and the power-on wheelies, this guy makes all of those old bicycle tricks look like a piece of cake. All you need instead is a naked bike with some power and enough room on the saddle for your brass ones as you try to keep everything together. Kudos to the unnamed rider for keeping sharp control over the bike as much as possible, and here’s hoping that you don’t find a situation that requires a five-gallon bucket of hydrogen peroxide and a giant tube of Bacitracin afterwards!


Мастер!Где его учили водить ???

Posted by Безопасное вождение автомобиля on Friday, October 9, 2015

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