
the car junkie daily magazine.


This Might Be The Most Expensive Bumper Tap In Automotive History

This Might Be The Most Expensive Bumper Tap In Automotive History

Ever bumper-tapped a car in a parking lot? I’ve done it once. I accidentally backed my Chevy Blazer into the nose of a Nissan Maxima in a gym parking lot. The second my truck stopped suddenly the bottom fell out of my stomach…I was young and barely had the money to cover my gas and insurance costs. I certainly didn’t have the money to cover a bumper cap for someone else’s car. Luckily, the only thing the Nissan driver had on his bumper was dust from my truck and nothing more. But back then, the resale value of both cars involved together would be about $20,000. We can all but promise that the video shows much more than that being injured.

The Bugatti is the one-of-one L’or Blanc edition Veyron. Costing $2.3 million, it’s considered the most delicate Veyron, due to having porcelain inlays on the wheels, fuel cap, and dashboard. Yes, you read that right, porcelain, like your grandmother has. The red car is the LaFerrari, which bankrolls for well over a million dollars on it’s own before whatever shakedown Maranello’s “salesmen” get from would-be owners. Both cars are blisteringly fast, both cars are expensive with a capital “F!”, and both cars are rarely used for their intended purpose. In this case, the cars were being parked at the Hotel Plaza Athénée in Paris when the driver of the L’or Blanc went just a touch too far in reverse and thumped the pointed nose of the LaFerrari. You hear that sickening cracking noise when the cars make contact? We sure did, and it sounds like a depleted bank account to us. We’re sure that the guy who was trying to guide the LaFerrari backwards felt pretty sick. And we have no idea why the L’or Blanc driver just pulled into traffic like nothing happened.

(Courtesy: Carscoops)

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6 thoughts on “This Might Be The Most Expensive Bumper Tap In Automotive History

  1. Rob

    Just another example of

    1 – Lots of money doesn’t mean lots of Smarts/Brains

    2 – The arrogance of rich dicks – backs into a Ferrari and just drives off. WTF

    3 – Even the Ferrari driver doesn’t strike me as the sharpest tool in the shed by parking or even pulling up that close to a stationary car.

    Rich people Fxxking up is always good for a chuckle. LOL

  2. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    Hah Hah!s

    I’m crying tears of laughter into my coffee – its a great pity there wasn’t a humongous explosion that melted both cars and their owners.

    Then at least the world would have been rid of two rich dicks!

  3. Ted

    I don’t like to ever admit envy but when I see stories like this I hate the financial Karma God for letting idiotsticks like this have the monetary means to own these cars and not me.

    Just ain’t right.

  4. Matt Cramer

    He must have been thinking, “Nobody got my license plate; it’s not like they could identify me from a description of this one of a kind exotic car and track me down on hit and run charges…”

  5. RangerGuy

    I’m going to give the Bugatti driver the benefit of the doubt regarding leaving. The guy guiding the Ferrari back banged on the side of the Bugatti just as it hit the Ferrari. He may not have realized he hit it. The tap was so light he may not have even felt it.

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