When Australians use the phrase “burnout masters” we sit up and take notice, because it seems like every four-wheeled item that prowls around the continent down there came with a factory-option blower through the hood. What it takes to be a master is more than just foot-to-the-floor until the tires are gone, however. A combination of showmanship, skill, and good old automotive violence are required to climb the ranks to be on top. Vehicle choice doesn’t matter, so long as it’s got the grunt to do the dirty work. And these ten have got it: from a late-model Holden to a freakish little Toyota Corolla, these drivers uphold the Australian tradition of resealing asphalt by the fastest means possible using the loudest method available.
I just don’t get the point of spending loads of money buying a car, modifying it, tuning the engine and suspension just to set some tires alight – why not make it even easier and just set the whole thing alight and save us from the tedium of yet more pissed-up Australians going round in circles!
Amen brother.
first off, mate, you cant enter a burnout comp ` pissed up’ Second, you guys act like the only thing our cars are good for is burnouts. Yes, they do burnouts well – they ALSO do everything else well too. Don’t be fooled here, we don’t build cars for a single purpose – they are street cars that happen to also do good burnouts. We don’t build cars that look OK with a lawn chair in front of em…we build cars that work well as cars – including burnouts…
Not all Americans are miserable bitches who complain about everything they dont like and/or agree with. He is upset he cant afford to make his lawn chair go in circles. I for one think the Aussie burn out contests look like a total blast.
I’ve always enjoyed these. While not necessarily better than American burnouts – the scope and fan appeal are twenty notches above ours. Isn’t this way we say ‘those crazy Aussies’. A half-track burnout from a 6-second street-DRIVEN ride is hard to top in terms of function, performance, and pure badness.