What’s Your Ultimate OBS Chevy Look Like? Dave at Willomet Fab Is Road Tripping What May Be The Ultimate OBS Chevy Off-Road Rig.

What’s Your Ultimate OBS Chevy Look Like? Dave at Willomet Fab Is Road Tripping What May Be The Ultimate OBS Chevy Off-Road Rig.

The ultimate of anything is a hard thing to quantify. I mean us car and truck folks have been working for over 100 years to try and create the “ultimate” hot rod, race car, off-road rig, or whatever it is that is possessing us at the moment. But we use the statement all the time in conversation anyway. Could this rig here actually be the ultimate OBS Chevy off-road rig? Can you find anything on this one that you would want to change?

It is pretty hard to argue with the list of parts and pieces on this one, and as someone who’s own a lifted OBS I can tell you that it was one of my favorite trucks to own.

With that said, mine was nothing like this. Cool, yes. Way prettier than this, yes. But not as capable or hard core, that’s for sure.

It’s this kind of truck that inspires me to want to take some shell that I just don’t care about and make it into something cool to go out in the dirt and beat on. Something I could run down the side of a rock ledge and not really worry about. Something I could do dirt track bodywork on. (That’s code for sledgehammer massaging metal.)

What do you think? Would you drive it? Let us know in the comments below.

Video Description:

I need a truck, and Stephen at Offroad Design was kind enough to oblige with their 99 OBS K3500 that’s solid axle swapped, running a 454, NV4500, and a Magnum Box. This truck has run the Ultimate Adventure several times, and is more than enough to make all the adventures for 2025.

Offroad Design was the first business to support Willomet Motor & Fab, and they’re ride or die for me. Be sure to check them out: https://www.offroaddesign.com/

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