Ah, it’s wintertime in the Northern Hemisphere, and that means it’s wintertime in Russia as well. And that means that the folks at Garage 54 start building the weird stuff…and that’s a statement and a half. Last year they made a freakshow of a Lada that they kept working on, stretching out the front end of the car and slamming engines together in a scene only slightly less horrifying than The Human Centipede in a hope to make a rotted out Russian sedan actually haul ass in the cold. They’ve sank cars into lakes just to pull them back out like they were fish. They’ve buried cars for the hell of it. And now…well…
On the plus side, the weirdness remains. And we’re pretty sure nobody in their right mind was going to cry over this Fiat getting cut up for whatever in the hell this styling trend happens to be. At least this has a potentially useful feature: one tire goes down, you have plenty of spares. That’s the point of this, right?
Probably not. But not everything needs a point. So sit back and be amused, okay?
Just more proof…too much snow and ice makes you crazy. Do like the Earl Scheib(sky) paint job. Crazy Russians….. 🙂
what, no spinners?
It reminds me of the Landmaster from the movie Damnation Alley… Except it actually worked. Today they would have just computer generated it.
Would’ve been interesting if the car was rwd and this was essentially a crude robson drive setup.