Just thought I would post a little information about my project.
I started my current job about 12 years ago; the co-worker I sat next to had a 1969 Javelin that he always talked about. He had plans to some day get the interior restored, and have it painted again. He had purchased the car new and he and his wife used it as a daily driver for many, many years. Understandably he had a personal connection to the car.
After a year of him not having the time/cash to do this I started my long quest of cajoling and harassment to get him to sell me the car. At least once a month (usually weekly) I would ask nicely, “You gong to sell me that old Javelin?” He would laugh, say “no”, and that was that.
This went on for about 10 years. I have always liked "uncommon" cars; an AMC would be perfect.
Eventually my office had moved to a different floor, so my routine was out the window. However, one day I was in his area and I stuck my head into his office…. “Hey, you gonna sell me that old Javelin?” to which he replied, “Actually, I am probably gong to sell it”. The timing on this was perfect, I had recently had a pretty harsh supermoto racing accident, and I was looking for a project that didn’t involve hitting the ground anytime something went awry.
I had a seat and we had a little chat, a few weeks later I brought it home. (The picture in my message footer is that day) Below is where the car lived nearly every day of it's life.

I feel I need to mention, I had 3 unfinished car projects in the past (66 Buick special, 66 Olds F85 wagon, 70 Skylark). I’m determined to get this one done.
I started tearing into the car to see what would need to be done. What I found under the carpet was NOT GOOD! The inner structure, and subframe was rotten from the inside out, F#$%! I will not soon forget that day, the realization that this was not the starting point I thought it was. (I suspect most of us have been there before)

Ebay to the rescue! A fella I had purchased some parts from in Arizona had a rust-free shell for sale.

I decided to do whatever it took to get it. I easily won the auction, posted the shipment on uship.com and connected with a wonderful shipper. I had the Arizona shell shipped directly to a friend’s body shop. Back on track!
I spent nearly each weekend getting this new shell ready for paint, and finally brought it home to my garage a couple weeks ago.
Currently awaiting parts so assembly can begin. (Sound deadener, Aerospace components brake kit, suspension bushings, etc.)
The goal is to make next year’s power tour (with my very understanding wife) for my 40th birthday.
I find this form to be very encouraging, so thanks to all who have been sharing.
More Misc. pictures below:
After blasting/sanding

Metal work including subfram connectors

Finally, PAINT!

I started my current job about 12 years ago; the co-worker I sat next to had a 1969 Javelin that he always talked about. He had plans to some day get the interior restored, and have it painted again. He had purchased the car new and he and his wife used it as a daily driver for many, many years. Understandably he had a personal connection to the car.
After a year of him not having the time/cash to do this I started my long quest of cajoling and harassment to get him to sell me the car. At least once a month (usually weekly) I would ask nicely, “You gong to sell me that old Javelin?” He would laugh, say “no”, and that was that.
This went on for about 10 years. I have always liked "uncommon" cars; an AMC would be perfect.
Eventually my office had moved to a different floor, so my routine was out the window. However, one day I was in his area and I stuck my head into his office…. “Hey, you gonna sell me that old Javelin?” to which he replied, “Actually, I am probably gong to sell it”. The timing on this was perfect, I had recently had a pretty harsh supermoto racing accident, and I was looking for a project that didn’t involve hitting the ground anytime something went awry.
I had a seat and we had a little chat, a few weeks later I brought it home. (The picture in my message footer is that day) Below is where the car lived nearly every day of it's life.

I feel I need to mention, I had 3 unfinished car projects in the past (66 Buick special, 66 Olds F85 wagon, 70 Skylark). I’m determined to get this one done.
I started tearing into the car to see what would need to be done. What I found under the carpet was NOT GOOD! The inner structure, and subframe was rotten from the inside out, F#$%! I will not soon forget that day, the realization that this was not the starting point I thought it was. (I suspect most of us have been there before)

Ebay to the rescue! A fella I had purchased some parts from in Arizona had a rust-free shell for sale.

I decided to do whatever it took to get it. I easily won the auction, posted the shipment on uship.com and connected with a wonderful shipper. I had the Arizona shell shipped directly to a friend’s body shop. Back on track!
I spent nearly each weekend getting this new shell ready for paint, and finally brought it home to my garage a couple weeks ago.
Currently awaiting parts so assembly can begin. (Sound deadener, Aerospace components brake kit, suspension bushings, etc.)
The goal is to make next year’s power tour (with my very understanding wife) for my 40th birthday.
I find this form to be very encouraging, so thanks to all who have been sharing.
More Misc. pictures below:
After blasting/sanding

Metal work including subfram connectors

Finally, PAINT!
