Last Thursday the guys at DEI, Design Engineering Incorporated, played host to the 2014 One Lap of America. Racers came through Avon Lake, Ohio and DEI Headquarters, to stretch their legs, satisfy a checkpoint, and show off a little. The entire trip this year was 3,249 miles and just 7 days to do it in. And did I mention that the cars race at at least one track per day, and sometimes two! This is the event that inspired Hot Rod to come up with Drag Week. It’s hundreds and hundreds of miles of driving on public roads, and racing, each and every day for a week. We love it.
We’ve been asked to consider being a part of a team for next year, so we’ll see. I’ve wanted to run One Lap for years, but damn it’s high dollar! We might have to save our pennies and beg on the street corner to pay the entry fee, but this seems like a trip we just can’t afford not to participate in at some point.
Unfortunately most of the cars that run in the One Lap are imports, or late models at the least, but that doesn’t mean the cars aren’t bitchin. The diversity is pretty bad ass as well.
Take a look at the photos that Steve Garrett and Mike Buca got us from the stop at DEI. And there is a route and results below to check out as well.
And if you want more information on DEI products, visit them here. Visit
If you want more information on One Lap of America, visit them here. Visit