I want a 1978 to 1987 El Camino like a raccoon wants my garbage can, so I’m constantly combing the classifieds, the List of Craig, eBay and Hemmings for one that’s not gonna bust my bank account wide open. When this 1987 Chevy El Camino turned up on Hemmings.com for $8,900, I admit, I was intrigued.
…aaaaaand then I looked at the rest of the pictures.
I like Studebakers and I like El Caminos. I also like baloney and whipped cream, but just not together.
Look, if you’re going to do this, I’m not necessarily on board, but if you really go to it and execute it well, I can grudgingly offer up my respect for your workmanship…BUT:
…why bother putting the time and effort in when you’re going to leave the bed looking like a bag of walnuts?
How’s about spending twelve bucks to buy a steering wheel that doesn’t look like it came out of a New York Cabbie’s 1983 Caprice?
Maybe you could stuff a few wadded up newspapers in that seat bolster while you’re at it.
If you’re interested, check it out at Hemmings.com.
What a waste of time, money, car and the person’s life who did the work.
Hell it just isn’t right. I wonder what went through someone’s head when they put the two to together? It really looks like crap. Unfortunately somebody likes it. Think about it……For that kind of money you could buy a junked elky and put an ls in it and be cooler.
What’s funny is that it probably has a V6……lol
Look though the pics at your own risk! Targetmaster 160hp 350/200-4r, 2bbl Rochester carb, cast log manifolds, dual exhaust, single hump crossmember, parts of an A/C system. The bottom is as ugly as the bed.
Did anyone stop to think that maybe this car is not finished yet? Maybe the bed
and stuff is ruff because he actually drove it and used it as a truck. Give the guy some credit. I think there are too many snotty show car guys out there now days that take the fun of driving a low buck hot rod. Not everyone can afford to have someone else build a 50,000 dollar car for them.
You’re absolutely right! It seems that if a car isn’t perfect, then its not worthy to exist (at least in so many people’s eyes).
mate, its not the unfinished bed that makes it look crap…have a look at the front of it, the hood IS finished as is the rest of the body – no amount of jazzing it up and final detail work is going to fix bone deep ugliness.
I was thinking of saying, “To be fair, he could have been hauling literal bags of walnuts with the bed.” Then I wondered why I wanted to be fair, as the whole thing goes together about as well as Craig’s hypothetical balogna and cream sandwich. I can’t bring myself to ding someone for a truck bed that looks like it’s been used to haul stuff, but the overall aesthetics just don’t work well for me.
I thought the same too, but still it goes together like crap. Nothing about it looks right. Nothing. It doesn’t flow well. The wheels don’t do it justice nor does the color. There’s a reason it is yellow. It isn’t really neat either. I get the driving it and using it as a truck deal, but still doesn’t justify the murder of this elky. I like dare to be different when it works but not when it looks slapped together. Here again is an example of artistic license gone wrong. You know you could take 8 grand and do a lot of cool vehicles and still be different.
Dude, I was eating! How about a warning next time!
still not as bad as the mercedes elcamino mash up I saw a week ago
Like to have the money they spent on body filler
I can’t wait for it to start rusting like a Studebaker….. but I guess G body doors aren’t any better than a Studebaker anyway. Pardon me while I go blow chunks.
What a waste of a Stude front end. Wrong, just so wrong!
No way in Hell !!!
For some reason I’m seeing a couple dozen clowns climbing out of the back after it pulls into the Ringling Bros Big Top.
20 cases of beer later: I thought I dreamed the whole thing. I ACTUALLY BUILT it!”
Studemino is the company that makes these kits.It is all fiberglass so no real Studebakers were harmed. The station wagon looks better.To do this to your G body car,you have to remove the front frame horns.I checked it out when i had a couple of El caminos. But did not do it.
If you are going to put a car front end onto a car/truck, at least keep it in the family.
For some reason, an Amphicar pops into my head.
Too many mushrooms?
What a waste of a beautiful car! The El Studebaker!
is that the one from Brownwood texas that was on jalopnik year or so.. I saw dayly
I had a 1981 V6 Elky for a few years as a work vehicle. It was a real nice and practical vehicle. Got used for carrying stuff all the time. Probably was the straightest vehicle I ever owned until a lady ran up the back of it while I was parked at an intersection. Insurance company rebuilt it but, it was never the same. Would love to find another.
I sure wouldn’t put a Stude front on one. 🙁