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Backyard Ingenuity Video: How One Man Turned A Totalled Chevy Corsica Into A Snowplow

Backyard Ingenuity Video: How One Man Turned A Totalled Chevy Corsica Into A Snowplow

“Necessity is the mother of invention” is often flung around, but honestly, when you’re snowed in, what is there to really invent? The shovel? Necessity may not inspire invention often anymore, but it does inspire creativity in those who have capable hands, especially those with capable hands and a lot of parts laying around on their own with nothing to do.

In this video, brought to you by WhiteTrashRepairs.com, you will see how a Chevy Corsica that ended it’s road career after a tree landed on it is enjoying it’s second life as a snowplow. While using an underwhelming GM front-driver as a snowplow sounds like a bad idea, it’s an absolute gem compared to some of the features of the video. The build might look hacked, but the footage doesn’t lie: the Corsica does pretty good when it comes to clearing a path out of a modest snow, and it doesn’t need a quarter-mile run to do it, either.

Click play below to see automotive recycling at it’s finest!

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3 thoughts on “Backyard Ingenuity Video: How One Man Turned A Totalled Chevy Corsica Into A Snowplow

  1. Gregg68

    It needs some clear plastic sheeting duct taped over the window of the rear door on the driver’s side.

  2. John T

    jeez that’s excellent…..and kinda weird….its 10 at night where I’m sitting and its really hot still (Australia + summer can = midnight temps around 100 degrees F or more….)

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