The creativity and depth of power that the human mind possesses is something that we really have no conception of. We think we know lots about how our synapses fire and what makes us do the things that we do but the reality is that even the smartest people the in world as grabbing at straws when it comes to this stuff and things like the artwork you’ll see in the photos below prove it. Valay Shende an artist from Mumbai created this life-sized dump truck that is filled with people as an art installation to raise awareness for the plight of farmers in India. When she made this piece there had been a rash of suicides among the farming community and this was a way to get their troubles into the fore of people’e minds. While we admit to being completely ignorant on the farming angle of this story we’re slack-jawed when it comes to actually admiring what she built. As if it were printed from the world’s largest dot matrix machine, the truck is stunning in its detail and truly incredible in its size when you consider the entire thing is made of tiny polished discs being spot welded together.
It took 18 months of painstaking work to complete the truck and the people riding inside its dump bed. Again, this is not a truck with stuff glued to it, this is a truck completely built of the discs! We do not know how much it weighs but the incremental weight of all those discs must add up pretty quickly. This is an amazing sculpture and while we’re not art gallery guys, we can appreciate something awesome when we see it and this is awesome.
An awesome work of art!
But at the risk of seaming cynical the only connection between it and farmers committing suicide would be if they ran out of metal disks when they tried to copy it or the whole thing melted due to poor welding!