How Does Ferrari Thank A Test Driver That Has Been With The Company Since 1969? Like This: “Four Queens For A Knight”

How Does Ferrari Thank A Test Driver That Has Been With The Company Since 1969? Like This: “Four Queens For A Knight”

Dario Benuzzi has been with Ferrari since 1969. He has tested vehicles and knows the Fiorano test track like the back of his hand. Over the years he has earned a special place in Maranello, and even Ferrari, the company proud of being elitist, knows the value of dedicated employees. So to thank Benuzzi, Ferrari brought back four of the top cars that Benuzzi tested during their development phases and cut him loose on the track. And what a gift it is: The F40, the bombshell Ferrari that took the already credible threat made by the 288 GTO and showed the world what happened when Ferrari took aim at making a pure driving car; the F50, a road car packing the engine from a Formula One Ferrari; the Enzo, the hypercar made as a salute to Ferrari’s first Formula One title of the new millennium and the namesake of the company founder, and the LaFerrari, a hybrid supercar that has left auto journalists dazed and in lust after testing.

The video has all that you would expect: Benuzzi gives insights to each car while that unmistakable Ferrari song blasts out of the pipes, but if there’s one thing you need to observe, it’s this: when Benuzzi drives the LaFerrari, watch the numbers on the speedometer readout. I don’t care who made the car – if it spins the speedometer like that, I’ll donate body parts to science to drive one in anger.

(Courtesy: Jalopnik)

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3 thoughts on “How Does Ferrari Thank A Test Driver That Has Been With The Company Since 1969? Like This: “Four Queens For A Knight”

  1. jerry z

    Bryan, look s like it was in KPH but 200 KPH is not exactly slow either!

    The F40 is by far my favorite one, it simple lines means all fun no fluff!

  2. ColoradoKid

    Yeah Bryan …. KPH … not MPH . And by the way . Having driver three of the four .. [ an F40 in serious anger I might add ] …

    …. well … no insult intended …. but all bets are … even with the multitude of nanny state crap on the LaFerrari [ or as its known in my circles … the LaughFerrari ]…. it’d be way beyond your capabilities to handle without a whole lot more training .

    Of the four which is my favorite ? The 288GTO . One of the last truly beautiful Ferrari’s . And a civil Supercar to boot !

    The F40 you ask ? The F40 is the one car I’ve driven I felt wanted to severely hurt me every second I was behind the wheel . Ironically … six weeks after I’d driven the beast and come to that conclusion . The bastard did promptly and severely hurt …. Francois Delecour

    PS; Care to know which car I’ve driven I was convinced wanted to kill me ? A Kremer Porsche 935RSR …. which errr … ironically the week after I’d helped sort the snarling ____ing beast out … damn near did kill its owner/driver 😉

  3. Patrick

    No such car as a kremer 935 RSR, it’s one or the other. Having driven most of the cars on the list, and an RSR, and a Kremer, you got to watch the Kremer. A bit like a two stroke, nothing, nothing, nothing, holy cow!

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