IHRA Nitro Jam Action: Professional And Sportsman Photos From The President’s Cup At MIR

IHRA Nitro Jam Action: Professional And Sportsman Photos From The President’s Cup At MIR

(Words and photos by Benoit Pigeon) – This past week end, IHRA was racing at Maryland International for the President’s Cup Nationals.  Unfortunately for the Nitro Jam program, after one round of eliminations, extremely bad weather forced the cancellation of all racing.  On the positive end, there was enough action to take a bunch of  photos and IHRA got eliminations done for the other classes as well.  The remainder of this event will take place at the next Nitro Jam in front of a lucky crowd that will enjoy more racing than the program is calling for!

So, here you have it, local and regional cars, nitro Nostlalgia Funny Cars from all over, nitro Harleys, Pro Stock, Pro Mods and jet cars racing each other on quarter mile. It’s a nice  program for just 2 days of racing.

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