Video Proof of Why You Never Want to Lose a Boat Tug of War

Video Proof of Why You Never Want to Lose a Boat Tug of War

(By Scott Parker) –  We don’t know spit about boat engines around here. Boats with big blocks, small blocks, two stroke diesels, we can at least speak with some knowledge on, but outboard powered jobbies are Chinese as far as we are concerned. We were tipped off to an awesome video by Tom Phair that shows an Evinrude two stroke V6 outboard literally dragging a Johnson powered boat under the waves. Do Yamaha engines suck and Evinrudes rule? We don’t have a clue, we just know that this video is an awesome publicity stunt for Evinrude and is fun to watch.

There are a few things that look fishy, like the fact that the prop isn’t spinning when the Yamaha powered boat capsizes, other than the initial tug there is no real evidence that the Yamaha engine is working all that hard, and…meh who the hell cares. It is pretty neat watching one boat drag another under the waves!

Press play to watch a publicity stunt that may or may not be bogus, but sure is fun to watch!

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