I have seen a couple of fist fights at circle tracks before, none on the actual racing surface like these guys, but there have been a few pit based donnybrooks in my spectating past. This single round bout is better than anything I have ever seen with my own two eyes by a long distance.
The video opens with what looks to be a typical enduro/fwd four banger class stock car race at a small oval. This track happens to be in Indiana, a state that racing is still hella popular and widely embraced by the inhabitants. Quickly you’ll notice the small red car DRIVING ACROSS THE INFIELD like a guided missile. Said red guided missile T-bones another competitor right in the numbers on the side of the car, pushing both machines up against the wall.
The video shot is from a ways back so minute details are not visible, but you can clearly see both guys emerge from their battered cars, a track official make a brief attempt to keep them apart, and then a flurry of haymakers back and forth. One of the dudes tries to make a break for it but the other driver is so pissed he gives chase.
I’m glad that the driver who was t-boned didn’t sustain any injuries because frankly, the guy in the red car could have killed him had the cage not protected the driver. If I ran that track, the dude in the red car would have the rest of the season off and I’d pick up the phone to other local facilities alerting them to his insane behavior.
Press play and watch amateur stock car racing live up to what lots of people think it really is (sadly)
Just channeling his inner Junior Miller
Should publish the names of these lunatics, so the other track owners can see who is bringing the crazy with them.
The dude in the red car should not be allowed to ever race again anywhere, in any other place other than a sports event they call that attempted murder.
Absolute azzhole.
shades of Bowman Gray Stadium…..
Idiot in the red car should be indicted, not banned.
The sad thing about it, is that the moron fans are cheering on like their at a boxing match. I would call that an assault with a deadly weapon. Bowman Grey Stadium is a joke, but the fans don’t go to see the races, they go to see the fights and crashes.