Let’s be honest, we all need a lawn tractor capable of driving over a Prius. Read the Bill of Rights closely some day and deep down in the fine print somewhere past the “bear arms” stuff the monster lawn tractor clause exists. Thanks to BangShift.com forum member Weldangrind (Derryk) we can now make this fundamental human right a reality.
If the fabrication work shoddy? We can’t really tell but last time we checked neither Jerry Haas nor Rick Jones were in the monster lawn tractor building business. This baby is a home-buit wonder.
It’s packing 42-inch, nearly bald Swampers, a stock little transaxle that may or may not explode the first time you try to move this beast and stock brakes that essentially guarantee your death shortly after you begin driving.
It needs a little work to be finished, but man, we’d love the chance. Got a neighbor that’s making you mad? Drive over his puny John Deere or Craftsman tractor with this monster to show him who’s boss!