Nobody on the planet sees more autocross action than we do, but we still love it. When we were at the Indy Goodguys show we thought the course was great, and even drove a rental car around it a few times. There were a couple of really tight corners, and folks spun around a lot while trying each and every line possible. Cheryl Herrick, with Jet Hot High Performance Coatings, drove the company Chevy II around the track a jillion times and was one of the folks who managed to spin on track. In this run though she was smooth and clean except for one stupid cone that decided to commit suicide and jump out in front of her.
If you haven’t come to say hi and check out the Goodguys Autocross you should. We have a great time, and you can too. Check out the video of Cheryl below and let us know if you think you can handle the autocross course!
i love that car and can that girl drive!