Todd Lesenko is a veteran of the drag racing nitro wars. The Canadian driver has competed in modern and nostalgia funny cars and top fuelers. He’s also exploded a few. That may explain his incredible driving job at the 2012 NHRA finals in Pomona. NHRA’s video of Lesenko’s boomer is some of the most compelling drag racing footage you’ll ever lay your eyes on.
It is really one of the best piece of drag racing video ever recorded.
The super slow motion shows that Lesenko is an absolute, card carrying, brass ball, bad ass. Pay close attention. The dude is DRIVING the car through every step of the flaming, bouncing, and out so shape violence that follow the explosion. At one point the whole car is airborne and rather than tucking in and riding it out, Lesenko is wheeling the car and he keeps a really bad situation from getting worse. The car doesn’t hit anything and outside of the obvious loss of the body, doesn’t seem to suffer any other ill effects. The fact that the steering stayed connected says something, too!
In the realm of awesome funny car driving under duress this video ranks REALLY high on the list.
Press play and watch Todd Lesenko do everything but expose the S on his chest under the firesuit!