Out with the old and in with the new! It’s now 2010, and since we have a digital lampshade on our head right about now and don’t have a way to share the occasion with you personally, we thought we’d ring in the new year with a collection of ten great videos of car explosions.
We at BangShift.com picked a great year to go into business, didn’t we? Even with the horrible state of economic affairs affecting so much of the population, we’ve seen great growth numbers and plan for more in 2010. Many thanks to the readers who have checked in with us over the last 12 months, and thanks again for sponsors Ridetech, MSD Ignition, Cherry Bomb, Aeromotive, and coming soon…Gear Vendors!
We’re normally bad on resolutions, but this year we have a couple that
we can stick to. We resolve to keep bringing you the news of the
gearhead day, every day. We resolve to continue to bring you great
event coverage from the places you want us to go. We resolve to keep
screaming about the stuff that threatens our hobby, our race tracks,
and the freedom of movement that as Americans, we hold dear.
Let’s get with the merriment. These are all from movies or army experiments or hoons and hillbillies being less than smart, so it’s all just clean fun. Not that you should ever try this yourself. Especially with that hangover.