
the car junkie daily magazine.


Video: Amazing In-Car Footage Of Mini Sprint Car Arena Racing – Intense, Fast, and Crazy As Hell!

Video: Amazing In-Car Footage Of Mini Sprint Car Arena Racing – Intense, Fast, and Crazy As Hell!

BangShifter Steve Shevlin recently sent us an email with a link to several videos of a three quarter midget race from an arena in Atlantic City, New Jersey and it is absolutely awesome. The little cars are powered by four cylinder motorcycle engines and run on a tight little oval. They also flat haul ass and run inches from one another as they barrel into the corners and power out of them. The vantage point of the camera in this video shows just how hard the drivers are working to keep the tiny cars from swapping ends as they lay into the power. Passing is also amazingly intense as it seems to vary from luck in avoiding spins to sheer balls and the willingness to drive your car way deeper into the other guy with the prayer that it sticks.

Admittedly we were completely ignorant of the fact that there was even a scene like this in our part of the country. We have seen Wickam’s photos from Texas showing similar cars on dirt and stuff, but we never knew they raced them on concrete up here. Shevlin is based in Massachusetts and we’ve already reached out to him so we can learn more about the cars, this type of racing, and exactly what it takes to be successful.

In this video, driver Jimmy Blewett works his way through a wild 30 lap feature race and ends up in second place after starting near the tail end of the field. There are several cautions and stuff, but we promise you that the full throttle racing action is beyond wild. We’ve been to supermarkets with longer aisles than the straights on the tiny oval course, but these little bastards come off the corner like they’ve got a rocket strapped to the roof! The GSX-R engine providing the umph probably has a large part to do with that!

Press play below and watch some of the most crazy wheel to wheel racing you’ll see anywhere….let alone in a hockey arena!

(Scroll down below the video for a link to Shevlin’s website to learn more!)



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7 thoughts on “Video: Amazing In-Car Footage Of Mini Sprint Car Arena Racing – Intense, Fast, and Crazy As Hell!

  1. craig b blue

    Darrell Waltrip once said that a NASCAR race @ Bristol was like flying a jet plane in a gymnasium……I think this is a helluva lot closer to than that!!!!

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