The most frequently requested song on our tip line is White Lion’s 1980s hair metal version of Golden Earring’s tune Radar Love. Now having finally watched the video and heard the song, I understand why. Their version is better than the original, especially if you dig wailing guitars and hair metal. The video is bitchin’ because it pits 9C1 Caprice cop cars against what looks to be a 1969 Shelby GT350 Mustang.
They don’t take many liberties with the song phrasing wise, but they do throw some classic 1980s rocking guitar action into it, which is perfect for cranking up on a Saturday morning, so do that! Hammer the speakers with some White Lion as they rock out to Radar Love!
Having just listened to the two versions back to back, I’m convinced the Golden Earring version is far better, although I’ll credit White Lion with producing the better video.
….this best thing about the original was the unpolished, rough sound of the song……these boy/girls (white lion) never did do anything that they hadn’t heard some other band do first!!
My God, that was horrible. The original kicks the hell outta this version.
This is how I replied to my Buddy with a ’69 Shelby when he sent me a link to the white lion video.
I do remember that video. Lets see. Just how much does that version SUCK! They ruined the intro & drum beat threw the whole song. The guitar riffs SUCK, the bass is kind of lost and the singer should stick to karaoke night.
But the Shelby looks GREAT!
All of you music critics missed the point! A hot car, bikes, a hot redhead ,and losing the cops. Life is good.